" Beauty Begins In You "
Can you imagine what the world would be without women? Women are trailblazers, game changers, providers, influencers, caregivers and much more. We uniquely make up a percentage of the world, with our unique personality, savvy style, and unapologetic attitudes. Our desire is to be intentional, and show up as the best version of ourselves. When life throws us lemons, we make lemonade, or use our citrus lemon body oils. The ultimate source of a woman is simply showing up by God’s grace ! Even as the world shifts, don’t ever forget who you are and where you come from, you have the ability to achieve, believe, and succeed.
Is it safe to say it’s a soft year ? If it’s not serving positivity, clarity, healing, or elevation, we are certainly disconnecting. Are you with me ladies !
Now let's Dive in !
“Beauty begins in you” there is so much potential that lies underneath our layers! Did you know that? A heart filled with love, and a soul filled with grace. Arteries with the ability to fight, just in case you missed the memo “ the comeback is always greater than the setback.” A Bloodstream filled with nutrients and the ability to thrive. Beauty is beyond makeup, it’s skin deep and what’s filled on the inside. There is so much potential within you. Though we all struggle with various situations, I challenge you to push beyond your fears, trials and tribulations, life is a journey so never stop striving.
It’s the perfect month to celebrate Women Worldwide ! Overcoming barriers, and fighting against stigmas and biases. We are evolving, becoming world leaders and policy makers.
Whether you're tossing the mascara, shimmer blush palette, or stocking up on beauty must-haves, remember the Internal/External work, healing is a journey not a destination. There is a supernatural experience that occurs when women uplift, empower and encourage each other. Cheers! to new beginnings, growing and glowing.
Allow the inner you to gracefully glow, you deserve it !